Get Social With Us!
Herts & Beds IVC Meetup
Herts and Beds IVC (Inter-Varsity Club) is a club with around 100 members, dedicated to providing a wide range of social, leisure, sports and cultural events. It is part of a national network of social events clubs and is open to singles and couples. Typical members are aged in their 40's or 50's. Events such as walks, meals out, theatre trips, games evenings, quizzes, sports such as tennis and badminton are held regularly in Hertfordshire and Bedfordshire and are generally small informal gatherings of around 6 - 10 people, so you really get the chance to make new friends.

Please take a look at our website

If you like the look of what we do please join our Meetup group, or contact the Prospective Members Officer as shown on our website.